
God told Israel:
Hebrews 8:12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
Hebrews 10:17 And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.

Because Christ went to the Cross, suffered and died, Believers have forgiveness, and once saved (1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10:9-13) ever have to ask forgiveness for sin again.
Read what the apostle writes:
Romans 4:7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.
Ephesians 1:7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
Colossians 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
Colossians 2:13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;
Ephesians 4:32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.
Since believers are forgive, we should have forgiveness in our hearts:
2 Corinthians 2:7 So that contrariwise ye ought rather to forgive him, and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow.
2 Corinthians 2:10 To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ;
2 Corinthians 12:13 For what is it wherein ye were inferior to other churches, except it be that I myself was not burdensome to you? forgive me this wrong.
As a Believer YOU have been forgiven of ALL your sins.

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I Hope So…

Many times, when I ask someone “Are you going to Heaven when you die?” The answer is “I HOPE SO”.
Well, let’s see what the Bible says:
First you must admit you are lost. The Lord Jesus said “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. “ Matthew 18:11
Second Realize you need to be saved. You can’t earn your way to Heaven.
Titus 3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
Third Understand that God has provided the way. The Lord Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
You need to understand the true gospel.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
When you believe HE Died, was buried, and rose again, ascending bodily into Heaven you must act upon it. The way is explained in Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Confess your sin? No! Confess that the Lord Jesus was/is God.
Then you will be “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;”. Titus 2:13

The answer “YES”. Know you will be there.

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God’s Word is…

Jeremiah 20:9 Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.

Ephesians 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Jeremiah 23:29 Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?

Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

James 1:22-25 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

1 Peter 2:2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

The apostle Paul reminds believers that the word of God is MILK for the new believer and MEAT for the more mature. It will feed both.
1 Corinthians 3:2
I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.

God’s Word is our Hope, our Promise, our Future.

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Where are the Dead?

The Question:
Job 14:10 But man dieth, and wasteth away: yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?
Man’s Answer:
Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
But what about the Souls? The answer to this question differs because of:
Attitudes, Nationalities, Race, Religion etc …
The apostle Paul writes:
1 Corinthians 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
All mankind start out the same way … without Christ, separated from God.
Ephesians 2:11-12 Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:
Along life’s road everyone comes into contact with the living God.
Romans 1:17-19 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The message of Salvation:
1 Corinthians 15:3-4 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scripture, And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Those who respond enter a new classification:
Ephesians 2:13 But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:17-20 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.
Until the Rapture … ALL MUST DIE.
Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Philippians 1:23 For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:
1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
That’s the promise to all who are saved! What about the others (the lost)?
Revelation 20:11-15 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

THE DEAD — HEAVEN (Paradise)
or HELL (Hades), then THE LAKE OF FIRE!

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Why God?

Read 1 PETER 4
Have you ever said to God … Why Me?
Perhaps there has been an .. Accident … Argument … Death …
Problem with Family or at work …Sickness … Sin …
And you’ve said, Why Me God?
Think of Missionaries who have died while serving God in another country.
Some of disease and even some murdered.
Of young Believers, who have everything going for them .. Why God?
The sufferings of Christ come to mind … His words “ And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46
Is it wrong to ask WHY GOD?
All unbelievers and believers suffer because of SIN.
Unbelievers suffer:
To show them their need for God
As a result of their own folly
Believers suffer:
Because of spiritual Conflict. Satan vs God — Job 1-2, 1 Peter 5:8-9
To teach obedience. Hebrews 5:8
To teach us God’s Grace. 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
So, we can relate to others. 2 Corinthians 1:3-24 (vs 4-6)
To witness to others. 2 Timothy 2:8-10
To discipline us. Hebrews 12:6-11
Why suffering? 1 Peter 4:10-11 As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

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Created by Who

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Genesis 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Genesis 2:3-4 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,
Genesis 5:1-2 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
Genesis 6:7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
Deuteronomy 4:32 For ask now of the days that are past, which were before thee, since the day that God created man upon the earth, and ask from the one side of heaven unto the other, whether there hath been any such thing as this great thing is, or hath been heard like it?
Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Psalm 89:12 The north and the south thou hast created them: Tabor and Hermon shall rejoice in thy name.
Psalm 102:18 This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the LORD.
Psalm 104:30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth.
Psalm 148:5 Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created.

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The art of selling yourself out, spiritually.
The word is not found in Scripture BUT teachings against it are:

Know what you believe
1 Corinthians 6:14-15 And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power. Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.
2 Corinthians 13:5-6 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? But I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates.
Know why you believe
Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
Ephesians 5:1-4 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.
Know who you believe
Colossians 4:5-6 Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
Philippians 3:13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, (Read to end of chapter)
Philippians 4:1 Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved.
Don’t Compromise
1 Thessalonians 5:14-15 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.
1 Timothy 6:11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.
1 Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

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Be Not Deceived

New Testament 36 times (70 times in Old Testament)
The Lord Jesus on the coming deception:
Matthew 24:4-5 (Mark 13:5-6, Luke 21:8) And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
Matthew 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
His enemies accused Him of being a deceiver:
Matthew 27:63 Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again.
John 7:12 And there was much murmuring among the people concerning him: for some said, He is a good man: others said, Nay; but he deceiveth the people.
John 7:47 Then answered them the Pharisees, Are ye also deceived?
The Apostle Paul admits that he had been deceived by the Law:
Romans 7:11 For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me.
And he warns about deceivers and being deceived:
Romans 16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
1 Corinthians 3:18 Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.
1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
1 Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
2 Corinthians 6:8 By honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report: as deceivers, and yet true;
Galatians 6:3 For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.
Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Ephesians 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
Ephesians 5:6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
1 Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
Titus 1:10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:
Titus 3:3 For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.

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The term Godhead is found three times in the King James Version:
Acts 17:29, Romans 1:20, Colossians 2:9.
The word Godhead is used to refer to God’s essential nature, the Trinity.

Acts 17:29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device.
Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead ; so that they are without excuse:
Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.


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– dearly loved, a much loved person 62 times in the KJV New Testament.

When the Lord Jesus was baptized by john the Baptist:
Matthew 3:17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Mark 1:11, Luke 3:22
A fulfilment of Isaiah 42:1-2.
Matthew 12:18 Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles.
On the mount of transfiguration:
Matthew 17:5 While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. Mark 9:7, Luke 9:35

Part of a Parable.
Luke 20:13 Then said the lord of the vineyard, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son: it may be they will reverence him when they see him.
The Apostle Paul referees to believers:
Romans 1:7 To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 9:25 As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved.
Romans 11:28 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the father’s sakes.
Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
Romans 16:5 Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Salute my well-beloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia unto Christ.
Romans 16:8-9 Greet Amplias my beloved in the Lord. Salute Urbane, our helper in Christ, and Stachys my beloved.
Romans 16:12 Salute Tryphena and Tryphosa, who labour in the Lord. Salute the beloved Persis, which laboured much in the Lord.
1 Corinthians 4:14 I write not these things to shame you, but as my beloved sons I warn you.
1 Corinthians 4:17 For this cause have I sent unto you Timotheus, who is my beloved son, and faithful in the Lord, who shall bring you into remembrance of my ways which be in Christ, as I teach every where in every church.
1 Corinthians 10:14 Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.
1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
2 Corinthians 7:1 Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
2 Corinthians 12:19 Again, think ye that we excuse ourselves unto you? we speak before God in Christ: but we do all things, dearly beloved, for your edifying.

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