Personal Standards for Music Part 4

One way the Devil has accomplished this in modern day is through the use of Rock and Roll. The genre of Rock n’ Roll music got it’s start in the late 1940’s, through such artists as Elvis Presley, Fats Domino, Brenda Lee, and the Everly Brothers. Since that time many other types of music have become popular, music genres such as Pop, Country, Dance, Jazz, Punk, Blues, Rap and the list goes on. All of these music types differ just a little, but they have one strong bond. They are all the Devil’s tool to corrupt a Christian’s mind, his heart, his body, and ultimately his ability to do anything for God.
I strongly believe that music is a drug. It is the most addicting and destructive force in this world. Music is used more often, and reaches more people than caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, weed, heroine, gambling, porn, sex, and any other addiction known to mankind. The average amount of time a person spends listening to music is twenty to forty hours a week. Unlike alcohol or drugs, music can reach every age. Rap music blares through the car speakers as an infant is strapped in the back seat, and the parents think nothing of it. Pop music is running rampant through the headphones of America’s youth, and the police force, Alcoholic’s Anonymous, and rehab centers are doing nothing about it. These people who spend so much of their time trying to help people with their addictions are taking no action, because they don’t know that they have to. They do not realize that music is killing the souls of every single person on planet earth.
Music in the Church
I believe that Music in church should be sacred. The easiest way to put it would be that I believe all churches should only use a good old fashioned hymn book. However, that will not satisfy most people. These days people want to know why we can’t use projectors, and why the choir can’t sway back and forth, and why Chuck can’t play his electric guitar in the orchestra. My answer to all of those questions is why should we? Why would independent, fundamental, soul-winning, Bible believing, separated, Baptist Christians want to resemble the world in any way? John called out for Christians to be set apart from the things of the world.
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.1 John 2:15
No one can refute that the verse clearly states that if we love the world and wish to be like them, than we do not love God. So if you want to bring contemporary music into the church, you must not love God, so why do you even go to church? However, my belief of old fashioned music in the church goes far beyond just that point. The old hymns were written by Godly men and woman such as Fannie Crosby, John Newton, and Charles Wesley. These people knew God, they walked with him daily, they had life experiences that God brought them through and they wrote about these experiences through songs. They praised God and brought glory to God. The types of songs we should sing in church are hymns such as “Holy, Holy, Holy,” “Amazing Grace,” and “Nearer my God to Thee.” These songs are what bring people to their knees at an altar instead of just waving their hand back and forth in a pew.

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