Mother Nature

Just who or what is Mother Nature?
Why do we keep crediting or blaming Mother Nature?
Mother Nature is defined as: a personification of nature that focuses on the life-giving and nurturing aspects of nature by embodying it, in the form of the mother.
This replaces God!
God is in total control of ALL that happens here on earth.
He created it all. Genesis 1-3.
Who caused the flood of Noah? Genesis 6:7
Who sent plagues upon Pharaoh during Abram’s time? Genesis 12:17
Who sent the plagues upon Egypt to free Israel? Exodus 9:14
Who parted the Red Sea? Exodus 14:21-22
Who Plagued Israel when they made the golden calf? Exodus 32:35
Who protected and provided for Israel during the 40 years on their way to the Promise land? Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
The Lord God used plagues upon Israel to remind them of who He is and His punishment and protection when they disobey. Deuteronomy 28:59.
Who sent a great fish to swallow a disobedient Jonah? Jonah 1:17
Who sent the strong wind, earthquake, and fire in Elijah’s time?
1 Kings 19:11-12 And again, in Isaiah 29:6, Amos 1:1
Who freed Peter from Jail? Acts 12:11
There are many, many more examples of God intervening with man.
And yet even Believes want to credit “Mother Nature”.
Nay, God is in control of everything in Heaven and Earth.
Psalm 115:15, 121:2, 124:8, 134:3, 146:6, Matthew 11:25, Revelation 14:7

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