In Remembrance Part 2

How could you remember? YOU weren’t there!
This happened over 1900 years ago!

Sure, you remember reading about these things.
You remember hearing stories in Sunday School.
You remember a Preacher preaching about these things.
But you were not there, how could you remember them?

Then what meanest the Scripture, ”IN REMEMBERANCE OF ME”?
We did not witness these events. We would be fools to proclaim that we were!
So, what meanest the Scripture, ”IN REMEMBERANCE OF ME”?
Do you have a remembrance of the Lord Jesus?
Have you ever had any contact with the living Son of God?

If you’ve been Saved, Born again, Born spiritually, YOU HAVE A REMBERANCE.

Your REMBERANCE is not in His life, death and resurrection, BUT in the LIFE He has given you!

What is there to remember? You were a sinner! Lost in a world of self-righteousness!
You were lost … Separated for God! Headed for an eternity in Hell!

It’s to remember that only by God’s grace, the love of Christ, that you’ve been saved!
This is the remembrance we have of Christ …
The remembrance of the year, the month, the day, the time that the Lord Jesus saved you out of the mire of sin, the sea of self-righteousness. The time you passed from death unto Life eternal.

As you partake do this IN REMEMBERANCE OF ME.

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