Jesus had been teaching in the Temple.
As he left he warned his followers the Temple would be destroyed.
Later they came to him and wanted to know when it would happen. And when would he come again.
He told them not to be deceived… He gave them signs to watch for …
Wars and rummers of wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes on a world-wide scale … These would be but a beginning. He gave them other signs to watch for,
but the best one is when he said “It will be as in the days of Noah”.
Genesis 6 Tells the story of Noah.
The world was evil- wicked- sinful- nobody had time for God.
They not only did these things, there thoughts were evil continually.
God warned them that He would give them 120 years, but nobody headed His warning. He warned that he would destroy the whole face of the earth.
But nobody listened … Awww! God wouldn’t do that.
But Noah believed God. Noah worshipped God. Noah talked with God
God told Noah what He was going to do and what He wanted Noah to do.
Noah, build an ARK. God gave him the plans.
Noah began to build when he was about 480 years old.
He finished when he was 600 years old.
God told Noah to take all the animals, two by two, his family. His wife, his three sons, Shem, Ham and Japhet and their wives and get into the Ark.
It rained 40 days and 40 nights and they were on the Ark for one whole year.
Yes, God was true to his word. God must punish sin.
What were the days of Noah like before the flood? Just like today.
The people were eating, drinking, marrying, buying and selling. BUT they had forgotten about God They didn’t have time for God. They weren’t putting Him first. They removed Him from all things. JUST LIKE TODAY
Yes, God had to punish the whole world for its sin. AND He will have to do it again.
It’s almost time for the Lord Jesus to return.
First the Rapture, then Tribulation, then 2nd coming.
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