2 Kings 5, Romans 1:16 We should be willing to tell others what the Lord can do.
A little girl is used to help others.
Naaman was Captain of the Syrian Army. He was one of the Kings best men. He was a really brave man, one of valor. He was also a LEPER.
During a war he brought home a young Israel girl. She was to be a servant for his wife. One day she told Naaman’s wife about a man in Israel who God used to heal people.
She was willing to tell others what the Lord can do.
The wife told Naaman and Naaman told the King.
The King wrote a letter to the King of Israel and Naaman took it along with some gifts. The King of Israel sent Naaman to Elisha’s house.
Elisha sent a servant to tell Naaman to wash in the Jordan 7 times.
Naaman got angry. Why couldn’t Elisha just come out an touch him, surely that would heal him. Why did it have to the dirty Jordan river? There were better (cleaner) rivers in Syria, couldn’t he go to one of them?
His friends tell him what the Lord can do IF you obey.
Naaman finally goes to the Jordan and after dipping 7 times, He is washed clean of his Leprosy.
All this happened because a little girl was not afraid to tell others what her Lord could do.
Do you share your faith? To you tell others about God?
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