Wine – Did Jesus Drink?

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Following was gleaned from: “FALSTAFF’S COMPLETE BEER BOOK”, “CROSSMAN’S GUIDE TO WINES, SPIRITS, AND BEERS”, “WINE, An introduction to Americans”, ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, and Most important, THE HOLY BIBLE, The Word of God.

Note: The first four books all refereed to the Holy Bible, and presented alcohol and drinking in a ‘glorious and fun’ way. The Holy Bible is not so generous.

This message will mainly address the topic of Wine, in particular,
Did Jesus drink Wine?
Many who drink today defend their drinking by saying Jesus drank!
This message will NOT be addressing the following:
a. Statistics of work, money time and lives wasted because of drinking.
b. The destroyed homes, defiled innocence, misery and poverty brought about by those under the influence of too much drink.
c. Also will not go into detail about the –
-youth who shot his father after drinking 17-20 beers
-father who knifed his wife and 3 year old son after a week of drinking
-drunken husband who doused his sleeping wife with a beer glass full of gasoline and then lit her on fire
-5 month old child who died of neglect and exposure and laid dead in his own crib for 5 days while his drunken parents argued who should call the doctor
-all night teen drinking party that ended in a deadly game of Russian roulette
-drunken father who killed his 3 week old baby with a red hot poker, by inserting it in all the natural body openings
-or any of the other hundreds of gory stories that appear in our daily newspapers every year because of drinking
d. NOR will it review any of the senseless deaths that occur on the highways (daily) because of the “I can drive better when I’m drunk” attitude.
NO, what this will attempt to do is dispel (usually by Christians) the justification of drinking, BECAUSE Jesus drank wine.

 continue reading Wine – Did Jesus Drink Part 2
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Wine Abstinence

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Proverbs 20:1 Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging;
whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.

Proverbs 23:31 Look not thou upon the Wine when it is red, when it giveth
Its color in the cup, when it moveth itself aright.

Abstinence is Biblical
Titus 2:3The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good tidings”.
The phrase, “not given to much wine” has opened the door for many people to wonder the impact of the passage. “The union of the two negatives suggest the close connection between a loose tongue and intoxicating drink.” TITUS by D. Edmund Hiebert. “Both were real possibilities for women whose families were grown and who may have had too much idle time on their hands {cf 1 John 5:13-14}.” TITUS by A. Duane Litfin. It’s well documented that the custom of the day allowed people to mix water with wine to purify the poor water. Never does the Holy Word of God promote drinking intoxication wine or drink or for Christians to get drunk. There is a debate over using wine as a prescription for medical problems as a remedy only. The Scripture suggest Paul directed such for Timothy. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible notes point out several versus that direct abstinence {see number 3568 under Temperance.} Wine and strong were never used by the Lord Jesus Christ. Always new wine {diluted grape juice} was used by Christian Churches since founded by Jesus Christ.
The use of wine or alcohol is not recommended for cooking. With the flesh so powerful a person could loose their testimony.* Suggest not drinking any intoxicating drink as the Bible doesn’t promote it. There are ten times more verses that warn against drinking than do allow it for the aged. The first reference to alcohol – Noah getting drunk paint the ruins of strong drink.
(The above from Pastor Tim Jackson, Community Baptist Church, Lansing, Michigan. 1999)
Further study of drinking in the Bible always shows that SIN follows the drinking and drunkenness.
*Many Catholic Priests have become alcoholics by drinking the wine taken during the Communion.
Total Abstinence was/is recommended for:
Priests Lev 10:9
Nazarites Num 6:3
Wise men Prov 23:31
Kings Prov 31:4
Rechabites Jer 35:6
Daniel Dan 1:8
John the Baptist Luk 1:15
Christians Rom 14:21

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To many, total abstinence is easier than perfect moderation.
-Saint Augustine of Hippo