Did Paul teach gentiles about the birth, earthly ministry and Gospel as taught by Jesus? Most of Paul’s letters were written is response to questions that came to him through letters or oral communications. But let’s review them in order: written between AD 54-66
AD 54– Hebrews, Yes Paul wrote it, was written to the Jews in Jerusalem to prove the Deity of Christ. 10:34,13:19,23
2 Pet 3:15
The next letters to look at were written to answer questions and reaffirm doctrine:
AD 54– 1 Thessalonians: Reconfirms the Doctrines 3:2,3, Exhorts to holiness 3:13,4:7, Comfort about those who have fallen asleep (died) 4:14,18,5:11, Instructions for living 5:14-23
AD 54– 2 Thessalonians: Reaffirms the “day of Christ” (rapture) 2:1-12
AD 58– Galatians: Reaffirms the Gospel of the Grace of God 3:1-5, and warnings about mixing LAW and Grace 3:11-13,4:8-10.
AD 59- 1 Corinthians: Christian Conduct warnings of divisions 1:11 and cardinality 3:1. One foundation 3:11, Gifts for believers 12:28, Revelations about the resurrected body 15:35,51.
AD 60– Romans: The Handbook on Faith:
Justification 3:24, Redemption, God’s Righteousness 3:21, Grace 6:14,
Holy Spirit Baptism 6:3. Salvation 10:9,
AD 60– 2 Corinthians: Paul touches on his physical weakness, weariness, pain and spiritual burdens 4:8,11:21-33. Keeping the unity in the church 6:1, Warns against false teachers 11:13, false boasting.
AD 64– Ephesians: The body of Christ (Believers) 3:6,4:4,12,16. Grace thru Faith 2:8, The marriage manual (and family, work relationships) 5:22-33.
AD 64- Philippians: Christian experience, Having the mind of Christ 2:5, Warning & Paul’s background 3:2,4-7, Sound Doctrine 4:19,
AD 64- Colossians: Warnings of legalism (mixing Law & Grace) and false mysticism. The believers union with Christ. Marriage, family and work relations.
Now we get to Paul’s Personal letters:
AD 64– Philemon: Paul made a personal request and teaches practical righteousness, Brotherhood, courtesy , in the law of love.
AD 65– Titus: instructions on doctrine and maintaining church order and dealing with believers
AD 65- 1 Timothy: instructions on doctrine and maintaining church order and dealing with believers
AD 66– 2 Timothy: further instructions reminding Timothy who he was and letting him know of Paul’s coming death.
In all of the letters Paul never speaks of the Virgin birth or earthly ministry or the Gospel that Jesus taught. But as he approached these gentiles to establish a church did he teach these things so as to establish a foundation?
Look at ACTS 17 to see what Paul taught as he would begin with Gentile unbelievers.
Acts 16:18 …he preached unto them, Jesus and the resurrection.

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