Exodus – Part 26

We have looked at the first eight plagues placed on Egypt because the Pharaoh would not let the Israelites go worship their God. Now at number nine we have reached the plague of darkness. God told Moses, “Hold out your arm toward the sky that there may be darkness upon the land of Egypt”.

Some scholars claim the darkness in Egypt was caused by a solar eclipse. But once again we have the choice of either believing God or just believing the world that it was a scheduled solar eclipse that Moses used for his own purposes. The problem becomes apparent when we learn that the darkness did not cover the land of Goshen, where the Israelites lived. And let’s face it, Goshen was in the land of Egypt and was the home of the slaves who were the Israelites. Goshen is a region in northeast Egypt along the eastern Nile Delta. The extent of the region is uncertain. Saying the eclipse covered the land of Egypt except for Goshen would be equivalent to saying day and night are reversed at every city or state line border.

Further testimony against it being simply a solar eclipse is the fact God created a darkness that can be touched. Or said another way, ‘the darkness was so oppressive you could feel it’. The darkness could be felt both physically and spiritually, it took away their perception, their ability to recognize others and their ability to make progress. That darkness descended upon all the land of Egypt for three days. People could not see one another, and for three full days, no one could get up from where they were, while ALL Israelites enjoyed light in their dwellings. This evidently panicked Pharaoh. He summoned Moses and said, “Go, worship the Lord and even your children may go with you.”

But once again, Pharaoh being Pharaoh, he insisted their flocks and herds must be left behind. Moses being Moses, and having gained confidence with all the Lord had done for the Israelites, answered, “You, yourself, Pharaoh, must provide us with sacrifices and burnt offering to offer up to the Lord our God.” And then Moses added, “Our own livestock, shall go along with us, not a hoof will be left behind.”

Moses’s intention was to have enough animals to worship the Lord while not knowing what they would need until they get there. With that being said by Moses, the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart and Pharaoh would not let them go.

Pharaoh then told Moses, “Be gone with you!
Don’t you dare see me again!
You have no rights, You are not my kin.
If you hear from me a simple sigh,
and you look at my face, You will surely die.”

Moses replied, “You have spoken rightly, I will not see your face again.”

Actually, there was no point in seeing each other again. They did all that negotiating and neither were prepared to lighten their stance. It was time for God to take the Israelites out of Egypt. Then the Lord told Moses He would bring one more plague upon Pharaoh, and upon Egypt, and then Pharaoh will let you out of here, one and all! God then instructed Moses to tell his people to ask their neighbors if they could  borrow objects of silver and objects of gold.

And of course it sounds good to say you want to borrow something, but it’s not really borrowing when the Israelites will be leaving this land and they will be returning nothing. Now we know God is never deceptive and asking to borrow when there is no plan to return is truly deceptive.

That’s why we have language scholars. Actually the instructions in Hebrew says, “Tell the people to ask for silver and gold items, and to say please.” That was not such a bad idea since the Israelites had diligently worked for the Egyptians and were never paid for their work. So these objects were really due them. Giving to them was surely aided by the fact that the Egyptians were traumatized by the plagues and now they only wanted to get the Jews out of their land anyway they could.

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