Follow thru to VICTORY
Read the story found in 1 Samuel 17.
(Have you gone thru the David & Goliath series 1-4? If not, review them first).
Lessons learned thus far:
- We all face Giants (Goliath).
- God has called us to Stand.
- Be yourself (be imitators of God).
- Chose your weapons well.
The last lesson we are drawing upon: FOLLOW THRU
(17:28) David could have backed down when his own brothers rebuked him.
(17:30) David could have backed down when the Israel army rebuked him.
(17:33) David could have backed down when King Saul tried to talk him out of it.
(17:38-39) David could have backed down when King Saul’s armor didn’t Fit.
Then David steps (alone) onto the Battle Field, FACE TO FACE WITH GOLIATH.

v 41 even here, would anyone blame David for backing down, turning tail and running? Could anyone blame him or even accuse him?
v 42 Goliath distained him… (Christians are despised, distained by the world. If you’re a Christian and the world doesn’t despise, distain you, YOU’VE got problems).
1 John 3:13 Marvel not if the world hate you
John 15:19 You’re not of this world
John 17:14 … the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world…
Paul tells of how the world treated him (1 Cor 4:13-14) and in (1 Cor 1:27-28 we find God choosing things which are despised: foolish things, weak things, base things, things which are despised of the world.
v 43-44 Goliath puts his contempt to words,
v 45 David voices his stand for GOD. When you stand for God, you have no one to fear.
Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso ever putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. (Matt 10:28)
David was trusting in the LORD. He took one look at those weapons and called upon GOD.
v 46-47 Goliath had had his say and now David gives his version.
(remember the hymn Trust and Obey? “When we walk with the Lord in the light of his word what a glory he sheds on our way. While we do his good will he abides with us still, and with all who will trust and obey“).
v 48-50 THE FIGHT. David prevails. Romans 8:37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
But did David stop here? He had knocked down the Giant. NO, he FOLLOWED THRU.
v 51 He finished the battle, he killed the giant. He cut off his head.

When God calls us to a work, (1 Thes 5:24) He wants us to follow thru (Phil 2:12-13).
All it takes to FOLLOW THRU with God is TRUST, FAITH and OBEDIENCE. When God is with you (and He always is) YOU can have VICTORY.
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