
Mentioned 6 times in Old Testament. A raven is one of several larger-bodied species of the genus Corvus, that’s a scavenger.

The first mentioned of a raven is when Noah sent one forth from the Ark.
Genesis 8:7 And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth.

Listed as among the unclean birds.
Leviticus 11:15 Every raven after his kind;
Deuteronomy 14:14 And every raven after his kind,

The Lord God reminds Job how He cares for all of creation.
Job 38:41 Who provideth for the raven his food? when his young ones cry unto God, they wander for lack of meat.

Even today very black is referred to as raven:
Song of Solomon 5:11 His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy, and black as a raven.

Prophecy about the Judgements God will bring upon the nations (Isaiah 34).
Isaiah 34:11 But the cormorant and the bittern shall possess it; the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it: and he shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion, and the stones of emptiness.

⇛ return to Animals
⇛ also see Bird, Birds, Dove, Eagle, Fowl, Hawk, Owl, Peacock, Pelican, Pigeon, Quail, Sparrow, Stork, Swallows, Turtledove


The Oriental Quail is a bird of passage about the size of a turtledove, and nearly resembling the American partridge. Mentioned 4 times in Old Testament

Exodus 16:13 And it came to pass, that at even the quails came up, and covered the camp: and in the morning the dew lay round about the host.

Numbers 11:31-32 And there went forth a wind from the LORD, and brought quails from the sea, and let them fall by the camp, as it were a day’s journey on this side, and as it were a day’s journey on the other side, round about the camp, and as it were two cubits high upon the face of the earth. And the people stood up all that day, and all that night, and all the next day, and they gathered the quails: he that gathered least gathered ten homers: and they spread them all abroad for themselves round about the camp.

The Psalmist reminds Israel of God’s care for them.
Psalm 105:40 The people asked, and he brought quails, and satisfied them with the bread of heaven.

⇛ return to Animals
⇛ also see Bird, Birds, Dove, Eagle, Fowl, Hawk, Owl, Peacock, Pelican, Pigeon, Raven, Sparrow, Stork, Swallows, Turtledove


only 1 times in Old Testament

Pygarg is an animal mentioned in the Bible as one of the animals permitted for food. The Septuagint translates the Hebrew ḏîšōn (דִּישֹׁן) as pygargos in Koiné Greek (“white-rumped”, from pyge “buttocks” and argo “white”), and the King James Version takes from there its term pygarg.
Listed as among the clean animals.

Deuteronomy 14:5 The hart, and the roebuck, and the fallow deer, and the wild goat, and the pygarg, and the wild ox, and the chamois.

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The pigeon is the world’s oldest domesticated bird.

Each mention of Pigeons in scripture are in reference to a sacrifice, most likely because anyone could have access to a pigeon regardless of social or financial status.

Genesis 15:9 And he said unto him, Take me an heifer of three years old, and a she goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon.
Leviticus 1:14 And if the burnt sacrifice for his offering to the LORD be of fowls, then he shall bring his offering of turtledoves, or of young pigeons.
Leviticus 5:7 And if he be not able to bring a lamb, then he shall bring for his trespass, which he hath committed, two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, unto the LORD; one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering.
Leviticus 5:11 But if he be not able to bring two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, then he that sinned shall bring for his offering the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering; he shall put no oil upon it, neither shall he put any frankincense thereon: for it is a sin offering.
Leviticus 12:6 And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, for a son, or for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb of the first year for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon, or a turtledove, for a sin offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto the priest:
Leviticus 12:8 And if she be not able to bring a lamb, then she shall bring two turtles, or two young pigeons; the one for the burnt offering, and the other for a sin offering: and the priest shall make an atonement for her, and she shall be clean.
Leviticus 14:22 And two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, such as he is able to get; and the one shall be a sin offering, and the other a burnt offering.
Leviticus 14:30 And he shall offer the one of the turtledoves, or of the young pigeons, such as he can get;
Leviticus 15:14 And on the eighth day he shall take to him two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, and come before the LORD unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and give them unto the priest:
Leviticus 15:29 And on the eighth day she shall take unto her two turtles, or two young pigeons, and bring them unto the priest, to the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.
Numbers 6:10 And on the eighth day he shall bring two turtles, or two young pigeons, to the priest, to the door of the tabernacle of the congregation:

When Joseph and Mary brought the baby Jesus to the temple
Luke 2:22-23 And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; (As it is written in the law of the LORD, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;) And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.

⇛ return to Animals
⇛ also see Bird, Birds, Dove, Eagle, Fowl, Hawk, Owl, Peacock, Pelican, Quail, Raven, Sparrow, Stork, Swallows, Turtledove


Peacocks and peahens—these are the birds known as peafowl, members of the pheasant family.

Peacocks were a sign of wealth and given as gifts between Kings.
1 Kings 10:22 For the king had at sea a navy of Tharshish with the navy of Hiram: once in three years came the navy of Tharshish, bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.

2 Chronicles 9:21 For the king’s ships went to Tarshish with the servants of Huram: every three years once came the ships of Tarshish bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.

The Lord God reminds Job of His power in creation.
Job 39:13 Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks? or wings and feathers unto the ostrich?

⇛ return to Animals
⇛ also see Bird, Birds, Dove, Eagle, Fowl, Hawk, Owl, Pelican, Pigeon, Quail, Raven, Sparrow, Stork, Swallows, Turtledove


92 Bible results 85 Old Testament 7 New Testament

An ox (plural oxen), also known as a bullock in Australia and India, is a bovine trained as a draft animal. Oxen are commonly castrated adult male cattle; castration makes the animals easier to control. Cows (adult females) or bulls (intact males) may also be used in some areas.

Most of the references in the Old Testament refer to Ox/Oxen being used as sacrifices and/or work animals. They are also used in prophecy.

The Lord Jesus spoke of the oxen in the Parable of the Wedding Feast.
Matthew 22:4 Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage.

Used as an excuse to not follow the Lord.
Luke 14:19 And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused.

The condition of the Temple as the Lord Jesus walked on earth.
John 2:14-15 And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables;

The priest was about to sacrifice to honor Barnabas and Paul.
Acts 14:13 Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people.

Paul quoted the Old Testament in Justification of paying those who are full time workers spreading God’s word:
1 Corinthians 9:9 For it is written in the law of Moses, thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen?
1 Timothy 5:18 For Scripture says, “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,” and “The worker deserves his wages.”
Deuteronomy 25:4 Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain.

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⇛ also see Beast, Bull, Bullock, Calf, Cattle, Cow, Heifer, Kine


Two places in the Bible where this animal is mentioned. One is in Leviticus, where it is named among the unclean animals which the Israelites were forbidden to eat.

Leviticus 11:30 And the ferret, and the chameleon, and the lizard, and the snail, and the mole.

The mole lives under ground, and the bat in gloomy, dark caves where nobody thinks of going; so when it is said that the idols shall be “Cast to the moles and to the bats,” it means that they shall be thrown away in dark and neglected places, just as we throw away old shoes, or anything that
we care nothing about.

Isaiah 2:20 In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats;

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any small, wingless insect of the order Anoplura (sucking louse), parasitic on humans and other mammals and having mouthparts adapted for sucking.

The third plague that God imposed upon Pharaoh and the land of Egypt.
Exodus 8:16-18 And the LORD said unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch out thy rod, and smite the dust of the land, that it may become lice throughout all the land of Egypt. And they did so; for Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the earth, and it became lice in man, and in beast; all the dust of the land became lice throughout all the land of Egypt. And the magicians did so with their enchantments to bring forth lice, but they could not: so there were lice upon man, and upon beast.

The Psalmist reminds Israel of the plague God had sent.
Psalm 105:31 He spake, and there came divers sorts of flies, and lice in all their coasts.

⇛ return to Insects-Bugs


an adult male deer, especially a red deer over five years old.

Listed among the clean animals that Israel could eat.

Deuteronomy 12:15 Notwithstanding thou mayest kill and eat flesh in all thy gates, whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, according to the blessing of the LORD thy God which he hath given thee: the unclean and the clean may eat thereof, as of the roebuck, and as of the hart.
Deuteronomy 12:22 Even as the roebuck and the hart is eaten, so thou shalt eat them: the unclean and the clean shall eat of them alike.
Deuteronomy 14:5 The hart, and the roebuck, and the fallow deer, and the wild goat, and the pygarg, and the wild ox, and the chamois.
Deuteronomy 15:22 Thou shalt eat it within thy gates: the unclean and the clean person shall eat it alike, as the roebuck, and as the hart.

Daily provisions brought to Solomon to keep his kingdom.
1 Kings 4:22-23 And Solomon’s provision for one day was thirty measures of fine flour, and threescore measures of meal, Ten fat oxen, and twenty oxen out of the pastures, and an hundred sheep, beside harts, and roebucks, and fallowdeer, and fatted fowl.

An illustration of how much we need God.
Psalm 42:1 As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.

King Solomon likens his lover to a Hart.
Song of Solomon 2:9 My beloved is like a roe or a young hart: …
Song of Solomon 2:17 … my beloved, and be thou like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of Bether.
Song of Solomon 8:14 … my beloved, and be thou like to a roe or to a young hart …

Isaiah writes of a coming Kingdom hen the Lord Jesus will rule the world.
Isaiah 35:6 Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert.

Jeremiah laments on the conditions of Israel after her fall to Babylon.
Lamentations 1:6 And from the daughter of Zion all her beauty is departed: her princes are become like harts that find no pasture, and they are gone without strength before the pursuer.

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⇛ also see Deer, Roebuck


a bird of prey with broad rounded wings and a long tail, typically taking prey by surprise with a short chase.

Listed as unclean; Leviticus 11:16 Deuteronomy 14:15

The Lord God reminds Job that He is in control of all His creations.
Job 39:26 Doth the hawk fly by thy wisdom, and stretch her wings toward the south?

⇛ return to Animals
⇛ also see Bird, Birds, Dove, Eagle, Fowl, Owl, Peacock, Pelican, Pigeon, Quail, Raven, Sparrow, Stork, Swallows, Turtledove