DATE EVENT Undated God Created the Earth Undated Adam & Eve sin Undated God sends the flood Undated Job suffers 2160 bc Birth of Abraham 2090 bc Abraham enters Canaan 2060 bc Birth of Isaac 1898 bc Joseph sold into Slavery 1446 bc Exodus from Egypt 1445 bc Ten Commandments given to Moses 1400 bc Israelites enter Canaan 1367 bc Othniel becomes Israel’s first judge 1105 bc Samuel’s birth 1075 bc Samson becomes judge of Israel 1050 bc Saul becomes Israel’s first King 1010 bc David becomes King 971 bc Solomon becomes King 959 bc First Temple Completed 930 bc Rehoboam becomes King 930 bc Kingdom splits 740 bc Isaiah’s ministry begins 722 bc Fall of Israel 627 bc Jeremiah’s Ministry Begins 605 bc Daniel exiled to Babylon 586 bc Fall of Judah 538 bc First exiles return to Jerusalem 536 bc Rebuilding of Temple begins 516 bc Second Temple is completed 479 bc Esther becomes Queen of Persia 458 bc Ezra returns from exile to Jerusalem 445 bc Nehemiah returns from exile to Jerusalem 433 bc Malachi begins ministry 6 bc John the Baptist birth 6 bc Jesus’ Birth 4 bc Magi visit Jesus 6 ad Jesus (the boy) visits the Temple 24 ad Jesus Baptized 27 ad Jesus Death 34 ad Saul’s (Paul) conversion 46 ad Paul’s first missionary journey 49 ad Jerusalem Council 50 ad Paul’s Second missionary journey 53 ad Paul’s third missionary journey 59 ad Paul’s journey to Rome 70 ad Temple destroyed
Dates are best guesstimates
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