⇛ CREATION The Garden of Eden ⇒ ⇒ Age of Innocence ⟶ ( ?? yrs)
⇛FALL (Removed from Garden) ⇒ ⇒ Age of Conscience ⟶ ..(1660 yrs)
⇛FLOOD (World Wide, Noah’s Ark) ⟶ BC 2385 ⇒ ⇒ Age of Government ⟶ ..( 150 yrs)
⇛BABLE, Tower of (Confusion of Language Separation of People) ⇒ ⇒ Age of Promise ⟶ ..(2000+ yrs) | Call of Abram ⟶ BC 1958 | Book of JOB (Abram,Job,Elihu,Moses??) | Exodus from Egypt ⟶ BC 1528
⇛LAW (Ten Commandments) ⇒ ⇒ Age of Law ⟶ ..(3000+ yrs) ⇒ 40 years of wandering in wilderness | Book of Genesis (Moses) ⟶ BC 1500 | Book of Exodus (Moses) ⟶ BC 1500 | Book of Leviticus (Moses) ⟶ BC 1500 | Book of Numbers (Moses) ⟶ BC 1500 | Book of Deuteronomy (Moses) ⟶ BC 1500 ⇒ Entering the Promise Land ⟶ BC 1488 | Book of Joshua (Joshua) ⟶ BC 1425 ⇒ Judges Rule Israel (470 yrs) | Book of Judges (Samuel) ⟶ BC 1410 | Book of Ruth (????) ⟶ BC 1300 | Book of 1Samuel (Samuel/Nathan) ⟶ BC 1155 ⇒ Kingdom Era (495 yrs) | Book of 2 Samuel (Samuel/Nathan) ⟶ BC 1155 | Book of Psalms (David,Solomon,Nathan) ⟶ BC 1000 | Book of 1Chronicles (???) ⟶ BC 1000 | Book of Proverbs (Solomon/David) ⟶ BC 990 | Book of Ecclesiastes (Solomon) ⟶ BC 980 | Book of 1Kings (???) ⟶ BC 980 | Book of Song of Solomon (Solomon) ⟶ BC 980 | Book of Jonah (Jonah) ⟶ BC 820 | Book of Joel (Joel) ⟶ BC 806 | Book of Hosea (Hosea) ⟶ BC 780 | Book of Amos (Amos) ⟶ BC 770 | Book of Micah (Micah) ⟶ BC 750 | Book of Isaiah (Isaiah) ⟶ BC 700 | Book of Nahum (Nahum) ⟶ BC 690 | Book of Zephaniah (Zephaniah) ⟶ BC 620 | Book of Obadiah (Obadiah) ⟶ BC 600 | Book of Habakkuk (Habakkuk) ⟶ BC 600 | Book of Jeremiah (Jeremiah) ⟶ BC 590 | Book of Lamentations (Jeremiah) ⟶ BC 588 | Book of 2Kings (???/Ezra) ⟶ BC 586 | Book of Ezekiel (Ezekiel) ⟶ BC 580 ⇒ EXILE from Land Taken to Babylon (70 yrs) ⟶ BC 580 | Book of Ezra (Ezra) ⟶ BC 536 | Book of Daniel (Daniel) ⟶ BC 535 ⇒ Start Rebuilding Jerusalem (Temple) ⟶ BC 522 | Book of Haggai (Haggai) ⟶ BC 520 | Book of Zechariah (Zechariah) ⟶ BC 520 | Book of Nehemiah (Nehemiah) ⟶ BC 520 | Book of 2Chronicles (???/Ezra) ⟶ BC 530 | Book of Ester (???/Mordecai) ⟶ BC 450 | Book of Malachi (Malachi) ⟶ BC 420 | OLD TESTAMENT COMPLETE ⇒ SILENT YEARS (483 yrs) | SEPTUAGINT LXX ⟶ BC 280 ⇒CRUSIFIXION (Death of Christ) ⟶ AD 30
⇛GRACE (Starting with the Accention) ⇒ ⇒ Age of the Church) ⟶ ..(2000+ yrs) | Book of Matthew (Matthew) ⟶ AD 37 | Book of 1Thessalonians (Paul) ⟶ AD 54 | Book of 2ThesSalonians (Paul) ⟶ AD 54 | Book of Mark (Mark) ⟶ AD 57 | Book of 1Corinthians (Paul) ⟶ AD 59 | Book of James (James) ⟶ AD 60 | Book of 2Corinthians (Paul) ⟶ AD 60 | Book of Romans (Paul) ⟶ AD 60 | Book of Galatians (Paul) ⟶ AD 60 | Book of 1Peter (Peter) ⟶ AD 60 | Book of Acts (Luke) ⟶ AD 63 | Book of 1Timothy (Paul) ⟶ AD 63 | Book of Luke (Luke) ⟶ AD 63 | Book of Titus (Paul) ⟶ AD 63 | Book of Philemon (Paul) ⟶ AD 64 | Book of Ephesians (Paul) ⟶ AD 64 | Book of Philippians (Paul) ⟶ AD 64 | Book of Colossians (Paul) ⟶ AD 64 | Book of 2Timothy (Paul) ⟶ AD 64 | Book of Hebrews (Paul/???) ⟶ AD 65 | Book of 2Peter (Peter) ⟶ AD 66 | Book of Jude (Jude) ⟶ AD 66 ⇒ DESTRUCTION of Jerusalem by Rome ⟶ AD 70 | Book of John (John) ⟶ AD 85 | Book of 1John (John) ⟶ AD 90 | Book of 2John (John) ⟶ AD 90 | Book of 3John (John) ⟶ AD 90 | Book of Revelation (John) ⟶ AD 96
(The above is
compiled from many different sources and is open for and/to any
correction(s). They would be greatly appreciated).
(Most of the following was
compiled using ‘Touch not the unclean thing’ by David H. Sorenson
Published 2001 by ‘Northstar Baptist Ministry’, any errors are mine)
| Textus Receptus –tr Received Text (Greek) ⟶ AD 150 |tr PESHITO or SYRIAC VERSION (Syrian) ⟶ AD 150 |tr ITALA VERSION (Latin) ⟶ AD 157 | ALEXANDRIAN (Origen/Eusebius)MANUSCRIPT** ⟶ AD 300 ⇒ Christianity becomes State Church ⟶ AD 312 | SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT** (Greek) ⟶ AD 340 | VATICANUS MANUSCRIPT** (Latin Vulgate) ⟶ AD 350 |tr GOTHIC VERSION (Gothic/German) ⟶ AD 350 ⇒ New Testament books agreed upon by Church Council(s) ⟶ AD 400 | EPHRAEM MANSCRIPT** ⟶ AD 450 | WYCLIF VERSION** (From Vulgate) (English) ⟶ AD 1382 ⇒ BIBLE First Book Printed ⟶ AD 1455 ⇒ PROTESTANT REFORMATION (Luther) ⟶ AD 1515 |tr ERASMUS’ RECEIVED TEXT (Latin) ⟶ AD 1516 |tr TYNDALE Translation** (English) ⟶ AD 1534 |tr LUTHER’S GERMAN BIBLE ⟶ AD 1535 |tr OLIVETAN FRENCH VERSION ⟶ AD 1535 |tr COVERDALE Translation** (English) ⟶ AD 1535 |tr MATTHEW BIBLE (English) ⟶ AD 1537 |tr TAVERNER’S BIBLE ⟶ AD 1539 |tr GREAT Translation** (English) ⟶ AD 1539 |tr STEPHANUS’ GREEK NEW TESTAMENT ⟶ AD 1546 |tr GENEVA Translation** (English) ⟶ AD 1560 |tr BISHOPS Translation** (English) ⟶ AD 1568 |tr SPANISH VERSION ⟶ AD 1569 | SIXTINE EDITION (English) ⟶ AD 1587 |tr BEZA’S TRANSLATION (English) ⟶ AD 1598 |trKING JAMES VERSION** ⟶ AD 1611 |tr ELZIVER’S GREEK NEW TESTAMENT ⟶ AD 1624 | GRIESBACH “CRITICAL TEST’ NEW TEST (German) ⟶ AD 1744 | ENGLISH TRANSLATION ⟶ AD 1790 | GRIESBACH GREEK NT – AMERICAN EDITION ⟶ AD 1809 |tr BIBLE translated into numerous languages ⟶ AD 1734-1885 | ROMAN CATHOLIC EDITION ⟶ AD 1881 | WESTCOTT & HORT GREEK NEW TESTAMENT ⟶ AD 1881 | ENGLISH REVISED VERSION (W & H) ⟶ AD 1888 | AMERICAN STANDARD Translation** ⟶ AD 1901 | WEISS GREEL NEW TESTAMENT ⟶ AD 1902 | REVISED STANDARD Version** ⟶ AD 1952 | NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ⟶ AD 1960 | UNITED BIBLE SOCITIES GREEK NT ⟶ AD 1965 ⇒ Dead Sea Scrolls** found ⟶ AD 19–
⇛RAPTURE (Saints removed from earth)⟶ AD 20?? ⇒ ⇒ Tribulation ⟶ ..( 7 yrs)
⇛RETURN (Coming of Christ) ⟶ AD 20?? ⇒ ⇒ Age of Kingdom MILLENIUM ⟶ ..(1000 yrs)
⇛GREAT WHITE THRONE (Final Judgement) ⟶ AD 30??
**Still have
original copies
Lines with tr = Translated from the Received Text Lines not marked = translated from the “Critical Text” developed from the ALEXANDRIAN MANUSCRIPTS including, SINAITIC and VATICAN MANUSCRIPT(S).
Let me begin by stating that I am not a Hebrew Scholar, nor am I a student of Greek, in fact, both of these ancient languages are Greek to me. I do however, believe in a Supreme, Divine Personage, a Holy God, and I do believe that this book we call the Bible is His Holy Word. I believe He caused the very words to be penned and preserved for you and me, to reveal Himself and His will for us and to us. Since I know nothing about Hebrew, the original Language of the Old Testament, and do not understand Greek, the Language of the New Testament, how can I be sure that this book, the Bible, is God’s Word?
Let’s begin with the Lord Jesus. He is the center of the whole book, from Genesis 3:15, the first promise of His coming, to Revelation 22:20-21, the promise of His coming again and Grace to all of us. If we remove the Lord Jesus from the Bible, we have no Bible. Who then is Jesus? According to John 3:16, He’s the only begotten Son of GOD. According to John 5:18, The Jews understood Him to claim equality with GOD. According to Isaiah 44:6, 45:5-7, 46:9, 48:12; John 1:1,14, Revelation1:11,17-18He was (is) God in Flesh.
JESUS WAS GOD INCARNATE WALKING ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Now at the time the Lord Jesus walked on the face of this earth, in the land of Israel, the Old Testament, ALL the books from Genesis to Malachi had been written. Not only written unto scrolls and preserved by the Jews, but assembled into one book and translated into Greek about 2808 BC and it was called the SEPTUAGINT LXX. (The Old Testament in your Bible is the English Translation.) Given that Jesus was God in Flesh, He was the God of the Old Testament who inspired each of these 39 books to be written (and preserved and compiled into one book). Now, let me ask you, if a book was missing, or if a book was untrue, or if a book contained error, or if a book were not the VERY WORD of GOD, that He inspired, wouldn’t He have corrected it then and there? Remember, the Temple was His and He scourged it (Matthew 21:12-13). The Scribes and Pharisees were the Jewish Religious Leaders and He called them Hypocrites (Matthew 23:13. But the written WORD, He confirmed (Matthew 24:35, John 14:24) He sealed (Matthew 5:18, John 17:8), He quoted, (Matthew 4:4,7,10; Luke 4:4,8,12,17-21).
Adam and Eve a myth – NAY (Matthew 19:4-6).
Noah’s flood a Fable – NAY (Matthew 24:37-39).
Jonah and the Great Fish a Fairy Tale – NAY (Matthew 12:39-41).
Daniel’s Vision a trip on drugs – NAY (Matthew 24:15).
As you can plainly see, if there were anything amiss with the Old Testament, the Lord Jesus (God in Flesh) could have, would have, corrected it then and there. Therefore, I have no doubt about the books of Genesis to Malachi, all 39 of them, just as they are, as I hold them in my hand, the Bible, the Word of God. They are the VERY WORD of GOD, from GOD, given for our ensample, written for our admonition, given by inspiration of GOD, profitable for Doctrine, for Reproof, for Correction, for Instruction in Righteousness. To be trusted, obeyed, and lived. AMEN