The tribulation lasts 7 years and is broken into two 3 ½ year periods
(Daniel 9:27). The time period is also referred as the week of Jacob’s trouble. The last 3 ½ years are referred to as the GREAT Tribulation (Matthew 24:21). This study is about the 7 years:
The first 3 years of Tribulation:
Seal 1 Anti-Christ – rise to power 6:1
Seal 2 Wars 6:3-4
Seal 3 Famine 6:5-6
Seal 4 Death 6:7-8
The middle of Tribulation:
Seal 5 A scene from Heaven 6:9-11
Seal 6 Events happening on Earth 6:12-7:17
Seal 7 A short rest Then the TRUMPETS 8:1
Start of the last 3 years: 8:6
Trumpet 1 1/3 of vegetation 8:7
Trumpet 2 1/3 of Sea, Sea life, Ships 8:8-9
Trumpet 3 1/3 of Fresh Water, many died 8:10-11
Trumpet 4 1/3 Sun, Moon, Stars 8:12-13
Woe, Woe, Woe, 3 more Trumpets to come:
Near the End of Tribulation:
Trumpet 5 Woe 1, Bottomless Pit Opened 9:1-11
Trumpet 6 Woe 2, Four Angels loosed 9:13-21
Trumpet 7 Woe 3, 7 Thunders 10:1-4
Write them not 10:3-4
Revelation 16:1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.
Vial 1 Grievous Sores 16:2
Vial 2 Sea as blood 16:3
Vial 3 Rivers and fountains of waters blood 16:4-7
Vial 4 Sun scorched men 16:8-9
Vial 5 Upon the seat of the beast 16:10-11
Vial 6 River Euphrates dried up 16:12-16
Vial 7 Great destructions 16:17-21
Be sure to read the verses for the complete destruction that will happen
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