The King of the Jews

Mercy's Door Community Church - The Sign

Matthew 2:2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

Would Gentiles be seeking the KING OF THE JEWS? Maybe the King of Israel.
     Only Jews would have been looking for a sign, looking for the King of the Jews.

What few Bible readers realize is that the claim to be “King of the Jews” was a highly charged political act of sedition or lese-majesty, considered a capital crime by Roman Law.

How did they know what the sign was?
     The Wise Men/Magi were educated and notable men who studied the stars and apparently knew the prophecies (of Scripture) as well. It is thought to have been Daniel the Prophet who first introduced the Magi to the Holy Scriptures of the God of Israel. And, it’s believed that throughout the centuries these wise men studied the Hebrew Scriptures; and therefore, understood the timing of the Messiah’s birth and the sign that would lead them to the place where He would be born.  

Why did they go to Jerusalem? Didn’t they follow the star?
    The Star was over Jerusalem and where else would one look for a King? In the capital city.
   The Star apparently disappeared (perhaps by an overcast sky) when they reached Jerusalem. But later reappeared and the wise men headed form Bethlehem.

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