Wine – Did Jesus Drink Part 4

FERMENTATION is a process of chemical change by which a molecule of sugar is split into 2 molecules of ethel alcohol and 2 molecules of carbon dioxide gas. The gas escapes and the alcohol remains.
Grape juice will ferment quite naturally left all by itself. Three things must be present for grapes to ferment and become alcohol: Juice, Saccharromyces, and Oxygen (air). The juice comes from the fruit. The saccharromyces form on the outside of the skin ad the fruit ripens. The wine the Bible speaks of is very easy to make. REMEMBER, Wine is a living thing. It is born, grows to maturity, and dies. How long is lives in unpredictable and depends on the ripeness of the fruit at squeezing time at sugar content. Until the wooden barrel was developed (cooperage) in the last days of the Roman Empire, (about 300 AD) Wine was placed in stone or skin containers and had to be drunk soon after squeezed or it would die (become vinegar). The wooden barrel prolonged the life of wine to a little over 3 years by keeping it out of the air, which causes aging. Full maturing of wine was impossible until the 17th century when the (cork and) bottle was developed.
It wasn’t until 1860 when Louis Pasteur discovered the hows and whys of fermentation did the wine industry enter into a new era.
Well, I drink for refreshment — try water, milk, juice, soda
Well, I drink for my health yeah but don’t use the Bible as an excuse
Don’t say you drink Beer because Jesus did …… He didn’t.
Don’t say you drink Whiskey because Jesus did …… He didn’t.
Don’t say you drink Wine because Jesus did …… He didn’t.
WHAT DID JESUS DRINK? — Glad you asked.
Matthew 26:29 He drank fruit of the vine, He drank grape juice.
What did Jesus Create in John 2? Grape Juice.
He refused to drink wine as He hung on the cross John 19:29.
What does the Bible really say about Wine?
Proverbs 20:1 Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging;
whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.

Proverbs 23:31 Look not thou upon the Wine when it is red, when it giveth
its color in the cup, when it moveth itself aright.

Every reference in the Holy Bible to someone drinking, beginning with Noah, lead to no good, to ruin, to sin.

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