John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
The Scripture has much to say about the truth. It appears 114 times in the Old Testament and 108 times in the New Testament. The Lord Jesus commented on the TRUTH over 20 times. As Pilate concluded (at the trial of the Lord Jesus) WHAT IS TRUTH? Even today many cannot believe the TRUTH of Scripture.

The following studies contain Verses that speak of the TRUTH. Be sure to read them in context.
The Gospels refer to the truth:
⇛ continue reading The Truth: Gospels
The Apostle Paul writes about the Truth:
⇛ continue reading The Truth: Paul
James, Peter and John write about the Truth:
⇛ continue reading The Truth: Jewish Epistles

⇛ return to Bible/Scripture ⇛