What I Believe about the New Testament Writers

Books of the New Testament | Kings Bible Society
Matthew, John, and Peter were of the original twelve called by the Lord Jesus to serve with Him during His earthly ministry. All three were Jews, as were all the rest of the N.T. writers.

Matthew was probably the most educated as he was a tax collector. His Gospel was written to his fellow Jews, to present Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God who came to bring the Kingdom of God to them. His gospel is of course Jewish flavored.
Mark was a Jew, a “SON” of Peter. He was greatly influenced by Peter and his conversion from Judaism to Christianity. He was also a nephew of Barnabas. No doubt the teaching of the twelve greatly influenced his becoming a believer and he desire to be a missionary with Barnabas and Paul. His Jewish background probably had a lot to do with his leaving Barnabas and Paul on the first missionary trip. But later we hear from Paul that Mark had come to be “profitable to me for the ministry”. Mark was a disciple of Paul’s and his Gospel, was written to present Jesus the Christ and His ministry to the Romans (Church).
Luke the Jewish Physician was no doubt drawn to the Apostles (and possible to the Lord Himself) because of the miraclous healings that were taken place. He gravitated to Paul and documented his missionary travels. His book, The Acts of the Apostles, is a transitional book from the Birth of the first (Jewish) Church to the true Church (which includes Jew and Gentile with no difference). He covers the ACTS of the twelve and then shifts to the ACTS of Paul and missions. If he were to write a book today, it would no doubt be entitled the ACTS of the CHURCH. His Gospel was written for the intellect, the Greeks, to present the birth, life, death, burial and resurrection of Christ. He presents the humanity of the Lord Jesus.
John the youngest of the twelve, his gospel is written to the world, to show Jesus as more than the Messiah, to show Jesus as GOD, in flesh, savior of the world. John also wrote the 3 epistles bearing his name, and he wrote these to the (Jewish) church. And the Doctrine contained is for the Church today. He also was used of God to author the REVELATION. I believe, to be a transitional book to be greatly used by the 144,000 during the GREAT TRIBULATION. And to give the Church a picture of the events to come.
Jude is a brother of James (Jude 1:1) and thus the younger half brother of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 13:55).
James not one of the twelve, but a pillar of the first church (Galatians 2:9) an Apostle, Elder according to (Acts 15:4,13) and most of all he is a younger half brother of the Lord Jesus according to (Matthew 13:55).
Peter is a very transitional person. A Jew with strong Jewish belief’s. After the birth of the church, God has to drag Peter into dealing with the Gentiles. His epistles are to the Jewish church, including the gentile members, and the words are flavored with old testament wording.
Paul, a Jew among Jews, uniquely called by God, an Apostle to go to the Gentiles to preach the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Christ.

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Who were the New Testament Authors?

2. Introduction to the New Testament | Bible.org

What about the 27 books that we call the New Testament? These were all written after Jesus died, in fact, after He had risen from the dead and ascended back into Heaven. How do we know these books are the word of God?

Let’s review them book by book, Matthew though Revelation.

MATTHEW ⟶ Here is a disciple (an Apostle) chosen by Jesus Himself. Matthew talked, walked and served with the Lord. He simply recorded what he heard, saw and experienced in his relationship with the Lord. Most all we know about the genealogy, birth, life, ministry, death, burial, resurrection of Christ Jesus was given to us by Matthew. He was an eyewitness to almost everything he wrote. TRULY we can, no, must believe Matthew’s account. AMEN
MARK ⟶ His name was John Mark (Acts 12:12). Mark was a Jew, nephew of Peter, and a member of the believer’s who knew and followed Christ. He traveled with Paul and Barnabas on their Missionary Journey. He wrote of things he had seen, and been taught by the Apostles. Since we can compare his words with those of others, and do not find discrepancies, we can trust his Gospel account as the word of God. AMEN
LUKE ⟶ He was a (Jewish) Physician. He probably knew the Lord Jesus when the Lord was on the earth. Luke traveled with Paul on his missionary journeys. He was a faithful witness recording all he saw and experienced. He knew all the Apostles and interacted with them. Which leaves us with the Book of ACTS (called THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES) which Luke wrote. Yes, Luke wrote more words in the New Testament than any other writer. He was used of God to record His Word at the beginning of the new Church Age. We can trust his Gospel account as the word of God. AMEN
JOHN ⟶ (The Gospel According to) – Here again is a chosen disciple (an Apostle), an eyewitness to all the events in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. A close family friend, when Jesus hung on the Cross, He charged John to care for her. The disciple whom Jesus loved. Yea, here is a witness we can trust, one who could be used of God to write His Holy Word. Believing his book about the Gospel, then allows us to accept his epistles: I John, II John, and III John, as he authored these letters to the Church for doctrine about God. Before we leave John, whom God would use to pen His Word, we need to read Revelation 1:1-2. Yes, this same John authored Revelation, according to the Word of God. Now we see that we can trust John’s Gospel, I, II, and III John, and Revelation as GOD’S WORD, AMEN.
JAMES ⟶ Here was a pillar of the first church (Galatians 2:9) an Apostle, Elder according to Acts 15:4,13 and most of all he is the brother of the Lord Jesus according to Matthew 13:55. Of all the people we should trust to report the Word of God concerning the Lord Jesus, we should trust James. AMEN
PETER ⟶ an Apostle. After reading Matthew’s account of the Lord’s 3 year ministry on earth, who could doubt that Peter would record any thing BUT the Word of GOD. We can trust I,II Peter to only be the true Word of God. AMEN.
JUDE ⟶ Here is the brother of James (Jude 1:1) and thus the younger brother of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 13:55). Can we agree that Jude would record properly the Word of God? AMEN
these were all written by Paul. He is the Apostle, born out of due time
(I Corinthians 15:8-9), to the Jew and to the Gentiles (Acts 9:15), and Paul believed the Old Testament (Acts 24:14). Peter validates Paul’s writings as the Word of God (2 Peter 3:15) Do we need any other validation that Paul was used of God to record His Word for the Church? AMEN.
Epistle of HEBREWS I believe was written by PAUL. I would further suggest that it is a transitional Book, directed mostly to the Jew, from the Church age to the Tribulation. I would suggest that Revelation is also a transitional book moving swiftly from the Church Age into the TRIBULATION and then ushering in the Millennium Age. The Revelation, along with Hebrews, will be the most referenced books by the 144,000 during the Great Tribulation.

Truly we can trust the New Testament, all 27 books, to be the Word of God.

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Bible Books Timeline (OT)

The Bible (Old Testament) - Kindle edition by Simon Abram ...

The following list arranges the books of the Bible (Old Testament) according to their most probable dates.

⬤                                    ⇛     Job–Unknown (Before Abraham)
⬤ 1445-1405 B.C.      ⇛     Genesis
⬤ 1445-1405 B.C.      ⇛      Exodus
⬤ 1445-1405 B.C.      ⇛      Leviticus
⬤ 1445-1405 B.C.      ⇛      Numbers
⬤ 1445-1405 B.C.      ⇛      Deuteronomy
⬤ 1410-450   B.C.      ⇛      Psalms
⬤ 1405-1385 B.C.      ⇛      Joshua
⬤ 1043 B.C.      ⇛      Judges
⬤ 1030-1010 B.C.      ⇛      Ruth
⬤ 971-965 B.C.      ⇛      Song of Solomon   
⬤ 971-686 B.C.      ⇛      Proverbs
⬤ 940-931 B.C.      ⇛      Ecclesiastes
⬤ 931-722 B.C.      ⇛      1 Samuel
⬤ 931-722 B.C.      ⇛      2 Samuel
⬤ 850-840 B.C.      ⇛      Obadiah
⬤ 835-796 B.C.      ⇛      Joel
⬤ 775 B.C.      ⇛      Jonah
⬤ 750 B.C.      ⇛      Amos
⬤ 750-710 B.C.      ⇛      Hosea
⬤ 735-710 B.C.      ⇛      Micah
⬤ 700-681 B.C.      ⇛      Isaiah
⬤ 650 B.C.      ⇛      Nahum
⬤ 635-625 B.C.      ⇛      Zephaniah
⬤ 615-605 B.C.      ⇛      Habakkuk
⬤ 590-570 B.C.      ⇛      Ezekiel
⬤ 586 B.C.      ⇛      Lamentations
⬤ 586-570 B.C.      ⇛      Jeremiah
⬤ 561-538 B.C.      ⇛      1 Kings
⬤ 561-538 B.C.      ⇛      2 Kings
⬤ 536-530 B.C.      ⇛      Daniel
⬤ 520 B.C.      ⇛      Haggai
⬤ 480-470 B.C.      ⇛      Zechariah
⬤ 457-444 B.C.      ⇛      Ezra
⬤ 450-430 B.C.      ⇛      1 Chronicles
⬤ 450-430 B.C.      ⇛      2 Chronicles
⬤ 450-331 B.C.      ⇛      Esther
⬤ 433-424 B.C.      ⇛      Malachi
⬤ 424-400 B.C.      ⇛      Nehemiah

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Bible Books Timeline (NT)

Was the Sabbath Changed in the New Testament? | United Church of God

The following list arranges the books of the Bible (New Testament) according to their most probable dates.

⬤ A.D. 44-49     ⇛     James
⬤ A.D. 49-50     ⇛     Galatians
⬤ A.D. 50-60     ⇛     Matthew
⬤ A.D. 50-60     ⇛     Mark
⬤ A.D. 51     ⇛     1 Thessalonians
⬤ A.D. 51-52     ⇛     2 Thessalonians
⬤ A.D. 55     ⇛     1 Corinthians
⬤ A.D. 55-56     ⇛     2 Corinthians
⬤ A.D. 56     ⇛     Romans
⬤ A.D. 60-61     ⇛     Luke
⬤ A.D. 60-62     ⇛     Ephesians
⬤ A.D. 60-62     ⇛     Philippians
⬤ A.D. 60-62     ⇛     Philemon
⬤ A.D. 60-62     ⇛     Colossians
⬤ A.D. 62     ⇛     Acts
⬤ A.D. 62-64     ⇛     1 Timothy
⬤ A.D. 62-64     ⇛     Titus
⬤ A.D. 64-65     ⇛     1 Peter
⬤ A.D. 66-67     ⇛     2 Timothy
⬤ A.D. 67-68     ⇛     2 Peter
⬤ A.D. 67-69     ⇛     Hebrews
⬤ A.D. 68-69     ⇛     Jude
⬤ A.D. 80-90*     ⇛     John
⬤ A.D. 90-95*     ⇛     1 John
⬤ A.D. 90-95*     ⇛     2 John
⬤ A.D. 90-95*     ⇛     3 John
⬤ A.D. 94-96*     ⇛     Revelation

*Many believe that these dates are incorrect and should be 20-30 years earlier. The Jewish Temple was destroyed in 70 AD and Jews were scatter, yet no mention of this event is recorded in these books.

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