My Personal Standards for music are my own. Many people, especially Christians will disagree with me. I know that all people have different levels of sensitivity to music, therefore everyone will have different standards. But the issue of music is not whether you and I agree, it is whether I am right with my God. If a man can truthfully stand under God’s gaze and his standards are right according to God, than no man should judge him for them. But I also believe that there is a line concerning music that no man should cross. This line is crossed daily by people who claim to love God and call themselves Christians. There is no question why the world laughs at the Christian faith, they see Christians listening to the exact same trash that they do. Christians have allowed Satan to use them through music, therefore their influence over the unsaved has been watered down, polluted and almost destroyed.
written by Lyndsey Cunningham (my granddaughter)
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