Why Does God Love Us?

God loves man even though humanity has turned their backs on God and has chosen a life of sin instead. Though God can forgive sin, He cannot allow it. Sin is an abomination unto Him.  Men with all their knowledge could not begin to comprehend how it is possible that an almighty God would give His love to evil men. His love is an undeserved and unearned love that man has no right to. Some men wonder how a loving God could send innocent people to hell, but the question is how He couldn’t? Man is not innocent, he is born a wicked sinner. Every soul starting with Adam deserves to burn in Hell. Man’s definition of what is just has been so confused by the world’s lenience in their judicial system. Men are taught to believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. In reality all men are guilty and cannot be proven innocent. Humans are born with a sin nature and completely unworthy of such a love that God would sacrifice His only son to die for them. 2 Corinthians 13:11 portrays God as the God of love and peace. It is truly impossible that such a perfect God could even care for a sinful man, but the Bible tells us that God loves all men. The Bible then being the final authority, is not mistaken when it states that, “God so loved the world” (John 3:16). The question then remains; why does God love man?

We can only find the answer to that question if we first answer the question, who is God? The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines God as “a Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe.” God is not human, many people try to relate God to man, but in reality He is absolutely nothing like them. “God is not man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent.” (Numbers 23:19a) God has always existed, and always will exist. God’s qualities are so intensified that humans cannot comprehend them.

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