Altar(s) appear in the Holy Scripture about 1628 times.
There are 3 Hebrew words and 2 Greek Words translated Altar(s):
- Ari’eyl the Altar of the Temple (3 times) Ezekiel 43:15, 16, 18
- Madbach a sacrificial Altar (1 times) Ezra 7:17
- Mizbeach an Altar (1600 times)
- Bomos an Altar (1 times) Acts 17:23 (false Altar)
- Thusiaster place of sacrifice & Altar (23 times)
From Adam to the Flood (1656 years) the word Altar is NOT found in the Scripture. Offerings were made to God (Cain and Abel) and an Altar is assumed but not named.
The 1st mention of an Altar is after the flood.

Genesis 8:20 – Noah built an Altar and offered sacrifices three hundred and seventy five plus years later, the Altar is mentioned again after the call of Abram.
Genesis 12:7 – Abram arrives in land of Canaan and builds an Altar when God appears to him. After Lot separates to Sodom and Gomora, Abram moves to Hebron.
Genesis 13:18 – Abram builds an Alter (2nd) 30+ years later
Genesis 22:9 – Abraham builds (3rd) Altar to offer his only son Isaac as sacrifice.
— Eighty five years pass during which Abraham dies.
Genesis 26:24 – Isaac builds an Altar after God reaffirms the Abrahamic Covenant.
— Sixty nine years pass before Jacob has stolen blessing from Esau and fled to Uncle Laban.
Genesis 33:20 – Jacob builds (1st) Alter after serving Laban 20 years and before seeing Esau. Returns to Bethel from Haran.
Genesis 35:1-7 – Jacob builds (2nd) Altar.
— Six Hundred and 10 plus years pass.
Exodus 17:15 – Moses (80 years old) leads Israelites out of Egypt and builds an Altar.
— Forty years of wilderness wanderings pass and the Altar is established as part of the Tabernacle and an orderly worship of God is established.
Joshua 8:30 – Joshua builds an Altar after the defeat at Ai.
— Thirty plus years spent possessing the land. Tribes of Rueben, Gad & ½ Manasseh return to other side of Jordan.
Joshua 22:10 – And they build an (great) Altar, which causes much concern for Israel.
200 years later the Altar is mentioned again
Judges 6:25 – Gideon builds an Altar unto the Lord (after tearing down father’s false Altar).
Judges 21:24-25 – plays an important part in the next Altar that is built.
Judges 21:4 – The people of Israel build an Altar.
Samuel is Judge, people want a King.
1 Samuel 7:17 – Samuel built an Altar in Ramah.
Several years pass and Saul is the King of Israel.
1 Samuel 14:35 – Saul built an Altar (1st) unto the Lord.
Samuel has died, Saul and Sons are killed.
2 Samuel 24:25 – King David builds an Altar to avert a plague.
David turns kingdom over to Solomon, who serves 4 years and then spends 20 years building Temple/Palace.
1 Kings 9:25 – Solomon builds an Altar unto the Lord.
Solomon dies. Kingdom turned over to Rehoboam who sets high taxes and total dictatorship.
Israel rebels and follows Jeroboam. Judah follows Rehoboam.
1 Kings 12:33 – Jeroboam builds an Altar in Bethel (not unto the Lord).
There are still many references in the Old Testament to Altars being used, torn down or built up unto the Lord as well as False. The New Testament, other than references in Revelation, refer to the Old Testament.
Matthew 5:23,24; 23:18-20,35, Luke 1:11; 11:51, Acts 17:23
1 Corinthians 9:13; 10:18, Hebrews 7:13; 13:10, James 2:21
It would appear that the Altar is currently in Heaven:
Revelation 6:9; 8:3,5; 9:13; 11:1; 14:18; 16:7.
It also appears that the “Cross” is the final altar (Hebrews 13:9-16).
Remember the final words the Lord said, “IT IS FINISHED” (John 19:30).
Checkout Alter in the Church (under CHURCH)

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