Do you remember …. WAIT A MINUTE …… You weren’t there!
All this happened over 1900 years ago.
How could you remember? You hadn’t even been born.
Yes, you remember hearing stories about these things.
You remember a Preacher, Priest or someone preaching about these things.
You remember reading about these things. BUT you weren’t there.
Well, what meanest the Scripture “IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME”?
You truly are not eye witness’s of these events, you would be a fool to proclaim that you were.
So, what meanest the Scripture “IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME”?
Do you have a remembrance of the Lord Jesus?
Have you ever had contact with the Living Son of God?
If you are saved (believed 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, acted upon Romans 10:9) then you have a remembrance of the Lord Jesus.
You are a witness, not in his life and death, BUT in the NEW LIFE He is giving to YOU!
What is there to remember?
You were a sinner! Lost in a world of self-righteousness! Lost, separated from God!
It’s to remember that only by God’s grace, the love of Christ, that you’ve been made acceptable to God.
This is a remembrance you have of Christ, the remembrance you have of the time you believed, were saved, lifted out of the mire of sin, the sea of self-righteousness and placed in the heavenlies, the time when you passed from spiritual death and placed into spiritual life, life eternal, all because of the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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