How to Witness

The duty, privilege of every believer: Share the Word.

The Romans Road is a very good tool.     

But how do you get there? Ask the following questions:
(HINT: it’s the Holy Spirit who prepares the Soul for salvation, so if the answer to any of these questions is NO, consider changing the subject, this individual is probably NOT ready to hear about salvation).

Do you believe in God? If the answer is yes be encouraged and continue.

Do you believe the Bible is God’s word? If the answer is yes be encouraged and continue.

Are you willing to do what the Bible says? If the answer is yes be encouraged and continue.

Good time to move to the Romans Road or some other simple plan that leads to a decision.

Four Spiritual Laws are another good tool.

Another approach is use 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 stressing the Death, Burial and Resurrection.  Then move on to Romans 10:9-13 stress that confession means “That Jesus is God”, and then verse 13.

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