
Hail is a form of precipitation consisting of solid ice that forms inside thunderstorm updrafts.

Sent by God during the plagues on Egypt: Exodus 9:18-34, 10:5,12,15
Treasures of the Hail: JOB 38:22
Hail stones and coal of fire: Psalm 18:12-13
God used Hail to punish; Psalm 78:47-48, 105:32, 148:8
Isaiah also warns of this: Isaiah 28:2,17, 32:19
Haggai warns Israel: Haggai 2:17
John also warms that during the Tribulation: Revelation 8:7, 11:19

Appears in Scripture 28 times 25 in the OT and 3 in the NT

Also see Lightning

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