They thought that the Kingdom of God should immediately appear. (Lk 19:11)
Jesus teaches a Parable. (Lk 19:12-27)
All four of the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, record events about the Death, Burial and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus. (The Death, Burial and Resurrection is the Gospel for the Church Age. 1 Cor 15:1-4) The last 8 days before the Resurrection are very busy days for the Lord, and one must combine all four Gospels to get the complete picture. The week prior to Sunday Day 1, (which is referred to as Palm Sunday) the Lord had visited Bethany and raised Lazarus from the dead, causing quite a stir with the Chief Priests and Scribes. This event had been widely talked about throughout Jerusalem (Jn 12:1) and caused the chief priests and scribes to want to kill him.
⇛ Sunday DAY 1
A very busy day for the Lord. They wanted to make him their King.
⇛ Monday DAY 2
After a very busy day at the Temple, he has Jewish leaders upset and Judas discouraged.
⇛ Tuesday DAY 3
Back to Jerusalem and after some teaching, prepare for the Last Supper.
⇛ Wednesday DAY 4
No sleep, arrested, tried and condemned. To the Cross.
⇛ Thursday DAY 5
Jesus is in the tomb. It’s an Annual High Holy Day. Religious observances.
⇛ Friday DAY 6
Still in shock, Disciples dispersed. Prepare for Sabbath.
⇛ Saturday DAY 7
Observe the Sabbath. Then Ladies plan early visit to the Tomb.
⇛ Sunday DAY 8
He is Risen!
For more studies see the following TOPICS:
RESURRECTIONS – After the Resurrection
NUMBERS – Forty Days After the Resurrection
RESURRECTIONS – After the Ascension
Fun Facts & Information – Three Days
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