Have you ever wondered about the Church… When did it start? By who? Is it important? Is it necessary? The Bible has many things to teach on that topic and the following are some articles to help as you study God’s Word.
➡ Bishop, Elder, Deacon
➡ Church Leaders
➡ Church(es) Should Preach
➡ Church Growth
➡ American Holidays
➡ Birth of Jesus
➡ Children’s Day
➡ Christmas
➡ Consider Christmas
➡ Cradle to Cross
➡ Death of Jesus
➡ Earth Day
➡ Easter
➡ Easter (2)
➡ Fathers Day
➡ Fathers Day (2)
⇨ Fathers Day (3) scheduled 6/15
➡ God’s Christmas Gift
➡ Had Christ Not Come
➡ Halloween
➡ His Cross
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