Age of Promise (One Family/Nation)

4 Promise Verses to go with Chart
Call of Abram—————————————-Genesis 12:1-3
COMMAND: Stay out of Egypt (The World) 12:1
DISOBEDENCE: Wound up in Egypt Exodus 1:1
Key Events: Genesis Exodus
Call of Abram 12:1-3 \
Isaac 21:5 \
Esau & Jacob 25:26 –Heb 11:8-22
Joseph 30:24 /
Israel 32:28 /
400+ years (Gen 15:13, Ex 12:41)
Living in Egypt Exodus 1:1 \
Moses 2:1 \
God calls 3:10 \
Plagues 7:12 \
Passover 12: …–Heb 11:23-29
Exodus 12:37 /
Pilar of fire 13:21 /
Red Sea 14:28 /
Wilderness 15: /
LAW 10 Commandments Exodus 20
Approximately 1000 years from call of Abram until giving of the Law

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