Jesus is Lord – Back to Saul 37 AD
1-2 Saul attacks the Jewish Church
3-9 On the road to Damascus to continue his persecution He meets the Lord Jesus
In Damascus, he spends 3 days, blind, no food or drink. (Sounds familiar 3 days/3 nights)
10-16 Ananias sees the Lord in a vision and instructed on how to deal with Saul.
He’s not happy with what he hears.
He questions God
He made excuses
17 But he obeys and deals with Saul, according to the words of the Lord.
18-22 Saul believes, receives his sight, gets baptized.
Straightway he preaches Christ in the Synagogues, that Christ is the Son of God.
The Jews were amazed. But he continued proving Jesus is Christ, Son of God.
23-25 The Jews plot to kill him. But he escapes.
3 years later 38-39 AD Galatians 1:18
26 Goes to Jerusalem to see disciples, but they were afraid of him.
27-30 Barnabas (Ch 4) intervenes, brings Saul to the apostles and tells them what Saul was preaching.
They take Saul to Caesarea and send him to Tarsus. Galatians 1:21
31 The Jewish churches (assembles) had rest. The fear of Saul was gone.
32-43 Peter’s ministry
Heals Aeneas, raises Dorcas from the dead.
Many Jews throughout Joppa believed in the Lord


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