Spreading the word 35 AD
Ascension, Pentecost, Medicals, Persecution, Discipline, Deacons, Stephen …
8:1-4 Introduced to Saul (who watched Stephen being stoned)
1 He went after Jewish Believers, except the apostles.
2 Stephen gets buried
3-4 Saul made havock with the Jewish assemblies, causing them to scatter

8:5-40 The Gospel spreads beyond Jerusalem
5-8 Philip (a deacon ch 6) preforms many miracles, causing great joy
9-13 Simon the sorcerer (a Jew) becomes a believer
14-17 Apostles send Peter and John to Samaria
18-25 Simon wants to buy the power the apostles and Philip have
26-40 Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
Told by an Angel to go to Gaza
Meets an Ethiopian (Jew)
Philip instructed to ride with him
Answers his questions, using Scripture (Isaiah 53), about Christ
Eunuch responds “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God”
Eunuch gets baptized and Philip finds himself in Azotus
Passing thru he preaches in all cities till he arrives at Caesarea.

Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch

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