Satan Attacks
30 AD
I. Attack from within
II. Continued Growth
III. Attack from without

1-11 The Big Lie. Consider today, how many tell lies and lose their church fellowship.
1 Ananias and Sapphira
2 They kept some of the money. Consider why this was wrong.
3 Satan was the cause of the lie, greed.
4-6 Results of the lie.
7-10 The wife continues the lie.
11 Great fear came upon ALL the Jewish church.
12-16 The church grew. Signs, wonders, healings and teaching the word cause growth.
17-18 High Priest (Jewish) and Sadducees had to do something to stop this.
19-21 God intervenes. Back to preaching in the Temple.
22-25 Discover the Jail cell empty.
26-28 Go get them, again. Listen STOP preaching.
29-32 Obey God not men.
33 We need to slay them.
34-39 Warning from one of their own, If this be of God, you cannot stop it.
40-42 Beat them command them to stop. Let them go.
They left, rejoiced and ceased NOT to teach and preach.

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