29 AD
How many have heard…”Our Church should be like the first Church”?
Obliviously those making this statement are not really studying the Word! This chapter gives a peek into the first Jewish assembly that believed Jesus was Messiah.

1-4 Peter and others are preaching the Gospel to Jews and here comes Jewish authorities to arrest them. But many believed Jesus was Messiah, about 5,000.
5-12 The Hearing … just as bias and illegal as the trial of Jesus.
13-22 Asked “By what power or by what name have ye done this”?
Peter responds with Scripture Isaiah 28:16
Only by the Name of Jesus can they be saved
Jewish leaders are dumbfounded. Don’t know how to respond.
What do they do?
Commands they to keep quiet, no more of this Jesus nonsense.
Peter’s response “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard”.
Set free. False charges dropped.
23-28 They returned to the assembly praising God.
Quoting Scripture Psalm 2:1-2.
29-30 They petitioned God for more.
31-33 They Prayed.
All assembled received the power to speak the word boldly.
34-37 They joined together.
Sharing all earthly possessions to further the Gospel.
Barnabas is introduced

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