29 AD  

1-4 Pentecost – 50 days after Passover. Leviticus 23:16
The power of the Holy Ghost arrives to each
Ability to Speak in other tongues
5-13 Jews from other countries could understand them Zechariah 2:11
All the countries (languages) are listed
They heard the wonderful works of God
Some were amazed and believed, others mocked
14-36 Peter preaches to the multitude of Jews
14-15 Harken to my words
16-21 Quotes from JOEL 2:28-32
22-36 Ministry of the Lord
Approved of God
Performed miracles, wonders, signs
Crucified, Buried, Raised from the Dead 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Peter quotes David (Psalms 16, 110:1)
Told the JEWS – YOU Crucified HIM
37-47 How they should respond
Repent – Baptize – Receive Holy Ghost
Many of the Jews gladly received his words (about 3000)
Signs and wonders were done by the apostles
Jewish Assemble that believed in Jesus was formed
And continued Temple worship
Sharing meals from house to house

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