Acts 15

The council at Jerusalem
51 AD Galatians 2

1 Certain me from Judaea came saying “ Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved”.
2-3 Paul and Barnabas disagree and are sent to Jerusalem. Passing through Phenice and Samaria sharing the conversion of Gentiles.
4-5 At Jerusalem they declare all the God has done upsetting a sect of Pharisees.
6 A council meeting with apostles and elders (all Jews) to consider the matter
7-11 Peter defends his trip
12 Barnabas and Paul report on their work with Gentiles
13-19 James answers and quotes Amos 9:10-11
20-26 Gives requirements for Gentiles and has letters written for Barnabas and Paul to carry.
27-29 Judas ad Silas also sent. Repeats Gentile requirements.
30-34 On to Antioch
35-36 Barnabas and Paul continue teaching and then determine to visit every city again.
37-39 Contention and a split, Barn and Mark sail to Cyprus
40-41 Paul and Silas depart.

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