Acts 14

45 AD
1st Journey
1 While in Iconium first to the synagogue of the Jews.
Speaks to multitude of Jews and Greeks (Gentiles).
2-5 Stayed there a long time granting signs and wonders.
Jews rulers tried to use them despitefully and stone them.
6-7 They flee to Lystra and Derbe, continuing to preach the gospel
8-10 Healing of a lame man
11-18 The people tried to make Paul and Barnabus gods.
19 Paul stoned to death (2 Corinthians 12:1-6) and dragged from city.
20-21 Returns to city
22-23 Sets up elders in all the churches and leaves
24-28 Passes through Pisidia on to Pamphylia, preaching in Perga and on to Attalia.
Sailed tom Antioch. Sharing all God had done through them, opening the door to the Gentiles, they abode there a long time.

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