Acts 12

39 AD
The Herods
Herod the Great 72-4 BC Ruler when Jesus was born
Herod Antipas 4 BC – 39 AD Killed John the Baptist
Matthew 2:2 ruled after his father’s death in Jerusalem

1-2 Herod the King (Antipas)
James is Marytered, Chruch awakens
Mark 6:14 Ruled in Galilee
Herod Philip
Mark 6:17, Luke 3:1 ruled east of Jordan
Peter is imprisoned
3-4 Herod’s plans
5 Reaction of the Church
6-17 God’s plan
18-19 Herod’s reaction

20-23 God removes Herod

24-25 Word of God spreads
Barnabas and Saul return to Jerusalem

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