Cornelius 38 AD
1-8 Cornelius’ (a gentile) Has a vision
A devout Roman Centurian
Angel tells him to summon Peter
Sends men to Joppa
9-23 Peter’s vision
Peter a Law keeping Jew
Instructed to eat UNCLEAN Animals 3 times
Told to go with men
Next day, with certain brethren, he goes
24-33 They meet
Cornelius tries to worship Peter, no way
Peter reminds him, Cornelius is a Gentile
34-43 Peter’s sermon
God is no respecter of persons
Jesus Christ is Lord of all
44-48 A Gentile Pentecost experience
While Peter speaks, Holy Spirit falls on Gentiles
The proof, they, Gentiles speak in tongues and magnify God
(This will become important in Acts 15)
The Gentiles get baptized
Peter and the certain brethren stay a few days


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