Cattle OT

133 times in Bible 131 n OT 2 in NT

Genesis (43) Mentioned in Creation ; Genesis 1:24-26, 2:20
The serpent cursed: Genesis 3:14
Looks like most men owned cattle: Genesis 4:20
On the Ark: Genesis 6:20, 7:14,21,23, 8:1,17, 9:10
Abram and Lot owned the: Genesis 13:2,7
Jacob served Laban: Genesis 29:7, 30:29,32,39-43
Jacob tricks Laban: Genesis 31:8-43

The majority of the time cattle is mentioned in scripture refers to cows, as a herd:
Genesis 33:14,17, 34:5,23, 36:6-7, 46:6,32,34, 47:6,16-18

Exodus (13) Exodus 9:3-4,6-7,19-21, 10:26, 12:29,38, 17:3, 20:10, Exodus 34:19

Leviticus (5) Leviticus 1:2, 5:2, 19:19, 25:7, 26:22

Numbers (10) Numbers 3:41,45, 20:4,19, 31:9, 32:4,16,26, 35:3

Deuteronomy (12) Deuteronomy 2:35, 3:7,19, 5:14, 7:14, 11:15, 13:15
Deuteronomy 20:14, 28:4,11,51, 30:9

Joshua (7) Joshua 1:14, 8:2,27, 11:14, 14:4, 21:2, 22:8

Judges (2) Judges 6:5, 18:21

1 Samuel (2) 1 Samuel 23:5, 30:20

1 Kings (3) 1 Kings 1:9,19,25

2 Kings (2) 2 Kings 3:9,17

1 Chronicles (3) 1 Chronicles 5:9,21, 7:21

2 Chronicles (4) 2 Chronicles 14:15, 26:10, 35:8-9

Nehemiah (2) Nehemiah 9:37, 10:36

Job (1) Job 36:33

Psalm (5) Psalm 50:10, 104:14, 107:38, 148:10

Ecclesiastes (1) Ecclesiastes 2:7

Isaiah (4) Isaiah 7:25, 30:23, 43:23, 46:1

Jeremiah (2) Jeremiah 9:10, 49:32

Ezekiel (5) Ezekiel 34:17,20,22, 38:12-13

Joel (1) Joel 1:18

Jonah (1) Jonah 4:11

Haggai (1) Haggai 1:11

Zechariah (2) Zechariah 2:4, 13:5

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⇛ also see Beast, Bull, Bullock, Calf, Cattle NT, Cow, Heifer, Kine, Oxen