Acts 24

Paul and the High Priest

61 AD
Chief Priest, Ananias brings Tertullus, a lawyer
Tertullus’ Accusations
Sedition, Heresy, sacrilege (accused o preaching resurrection)
Would have judged him ourselves BUT
Lysias took him away
10-21 Paul’s Defense
Heresy – I worship “the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets”.
(I am returning) “after many years
22-27 Felix’s Reaction
22-23 Case dismissed
Set Paul free, under watch of a centurian
24-25 Gospel given
Felix and wife Drusilla, (a Jewess) want to hear more from Paul
Paul “reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come”.
26-27 Gospel rejected
Wanting a bribe, calls Paul many times
2 years pass

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