Peter is Challenged AD 39

1-18 Peter has to explain why he went to Gentiles
Accused of visiting Gentiles AND eating with them
Peter rehearses the matter
He had to go with the 3 men (Gentiles)
But he took 6 brethren (Jews) with him
The Gentiles got saved and baptized
The Jews held their peace
19-24 Barnabas in Antioch
Stephen (a deacon Ch 6) travels, preaching to JEWS Only
A great number believe
Barnabas sent to Antioch
25-26 Barnabas goes to Tarsus, to seek Saul
Back to Antioch for a year
27-30 Agabus a prophet signified a great dearth throughout the world
At Antioch, offerings taken for Jews in Judaea

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