Letter to a Jewish Friend Part 3

God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit live in a great fortress, but because of the law and it’s condemnation of us, there is an enormous moat filled with the world’s sin which denies all of us access to God.  Jesus, God’s Son, is the drawbridge.  Jesus, who laid down His life for our sins, is laid down as the drawbridge allowing us to cross over the moat of sin and enter into the Holy of Holies and stand in God’s presence righteous and without blemish because of the blood of Jesus.  So Jesus PROVIDES believers access to God.

When you attend Booster Club meetings, are you representing Spencer as his mom, are you representing Scott as his wife, are you representing your Mom as her daughter, are you representing the neighborhood or community in some capacity?  If so, are you one person or many?  Obviously, you’re one person, but one person represented in different roles at different times in different places. 

The difference is that God, who is everywhere (omnipresent), knows everything (omniscient), and is all powerful (omnipotent) doesn’t make the Trinity seem too difficult to grasp.  It’s just difficult for our finite minds to understand all the things of God.  So God sent the Holy Spirit as the Great Comforter after Jesus left, but God’s Spirit is also talked about before Jesus’ birth.  God sent Jesus to die for sin and conquer death, but Jesus is talked about throughout the Bible before His birth.  God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are 3-in1, but serving in different roles at different times in different places. 

Here is something else I’d like you to think about.  Jews believe and have been taught that God is holy and righteous, so they write G-d out of reverence for Him and sometimes won’t even speak His name.  According to the Bible, God is holy and righteous, but He’s definitely not permissive.  So why would God’s penalty for sins be so much less than man’s earthly penalty?  If repentance, keeping the law, and doing good deeds can atone for sin, why are murderers, thieves, child molesters, and other criminals punished?  Why can’t a murderer go before a judge and say, “I’ve repented and will keep the law.  I’ll do good deeds, if you set me free.”  Would you feel that judge was just if the murderer had murdered your precious family and the judge set him/her free?

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