Why Does God Love Us? Part 3

The second thing one must consider what is man? “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7) Man is simply a creation of God. Man literally came from dirt. Humans are compared to clay in a potter’s hands because God formed man out of the ground. Man has no real reason to exist, except for the fact that God created humans for His own companionship. Humans did not come into existence because of a big bang, random mutation or for any other reason. They had a beginning that started with God. The creation of man could be compared to a person baking cookies. There is no reason for the cookies to be made besides the pleasure it brings to the baker. When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden they broke fellowship with God. Man was no longer the companions that God had created. God could have destroyed man and started over, but He didn’t. He had compassion on Adam and Eve, they were punished, but allowed to live. Humans still exist today by the mercy of God. God is a perfect Being, man is far from perfect. Man has no power, he is limited in his abilities and he is flawed. Humans are very fragile. One fall may cause a broken bone, a bad car crash may cause death. Humans cannot know everything, they cannot be everywhere and they cannot do everything.

Oxygen, food and water are essential to keep men alive. Excluding just one of those items will kill a man. Therefore he is far from the perfect form of God. Man also sins. It is impossible for God to commit sin, yet humans do it everyday. Many men sin without regret and enjoy doing it. “The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.” (Psalm 14:2-3) Third a person must realize why God shouldn’t love man. Given the situation where one man saves the life of another man. What if the saved man walked away and cursed the man that saved him? He threw dirt in his face and slandered his name to all who could hear. He never thanked the man for saving his life, in fact he never spoke to him again. Humans have done all that and worse to God. God the Father sent his only son Jesus to die a horrible death on a cross in the place of all man kind for his sins. After

such a sacrifice, man is still very sinful and wicked. A small percentage of the world has accepted Christ as Savior and been saved but most of the world pretends that God doesn’t exist. Even the Christians still continue to sin and hurt God. Men are ungrateful to God for the great mercy He has given. They walk around praising Allah and Buddha, but never embracing the one true God. Man’s actions toward God are as ridiculous as if the baker’s cookies hopped off the pan, turned around and slapped the baker in the face. Some men even act as if there is no God. The theory of Evolution came about because one man did not want to believe in the Creator of the universe, so he tried to prove that man originated from monkeys. Schools teach their students that scientifically God cannot exist. God shouldn’t love man because man has disrespected his name and turned their away from Him. Logically God also shouldn’t love man because man is nothing in comparison to him. God is perfect in every area because He cannot sin. Man is a lowly, dirty and sinful creature. God is perfect and yet He still loves man. “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinner, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) God shouldn’t love man because men are prideful and selfish creatures. Humans are destructive, they can tear down another person by just using words. In today’s society people are taught to think about themselves first. In an article written by Lorna Matin on how selfishness has ruined society, it is stated that,‘Eighty-nine percentage of adults say that children are more materialistic then previous generations.” This is caused by the “me” attitude of today’s culture. Human’s have been trained that everything revolves around self and that pleasing self is the ultimate goal. God did not create man for that purpose. Man was created for God’s pleasure Man’s only responsibility is to bring glory to God the Father. God paid the ultimate sacrifice by sending His son to die for mankind, a truly unselfish act. The devil has integrated the world’s mindset and has caused man to lose sight of his true purpose. In the end there is no logical reason why God loves man.

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