Tuesday DAY 3

Discovery of the withered fig tree. (Mk 11:20-26)
Back to Jerusalem, Disciples prepare for the Last Supper.
(Mt 26:17-19, Mk 14:12-16,Lk 22:7-13)
Jesus and the disciples have the Last Supper and says one of them will betray him. (Mt 26:20-29,Mk 14:17-25, Lk 22:14-30, Jn 13:9-30)

Washes the disciples’ feet. (Jn 13:1-7)

Predicts Peter’s denial Lk 22:31-38, Jn 13:31-38)
Only way to the Father (Jn 14:1-12)
Promises to answer prayers. (Jn 14:13-15)
Promises the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:16-31)
Teaches about the vine and the branches (Jn 15:1-16)
Warns about the world’s hatred (Jn 15:18-Jn 16:6)
Teaches about the Holy Spirit (Jn 16:7-16) 
Teaches about using His name in prayer (Jn 16:17-33) 

continue reading Wednesday DAY 4
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