60 Questions

Bible and Theology Questions Archives | Redeeming God
About the Godhead
  1. (Y or N) Is the word trinity in the Bible?
  2. (Y or N) Does the Bible say there are three persons in the Godhead?
  3. (Y or N) Does the Bible say there is a Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
  4. (P or O) Does Matthew 28:19 mean that there three separate and distinct Persons or Offices (which?).
  5. (Y or N) Does the Bible ever speak about the THREE?
  6. (Y or N) Is the word ONE used in the Bible in reference to the Godhead?
  7. (Y or N) Can the mystery of the Godhead be understood?
  8. (Y or N) Has the Christian only one Heavenly Father?
  9. (Y or N) When Jesus said to Phillip, “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father”, was He claiming to be God?
  10. (Y or N) Does the Bible say there are two Persons in the Godhead?
  11. (Y or N) Does the Bible say there is one person in the Godhead?
  12. (Y or N) Is the Mystery of the Deity hidden from some people?
  13. (Y or N) Was God in Heaven while Jesus was on the earth?
  14. (Y or N) Did Agur the Prophet inquire about the Mystery of the Godhead?
  15. (Y or N) Did the Prophet Isaiah say that Jesus was the Father?
  16. (Y or N) When God said, “Let us make man in our image,” was He speaking to another Person in the Godhead?
  17. (Y or N) Did Christ possess all of God’s qualities while on earth?
  18. (Y or N) Does the Bible say that God sent Jesus into the world?
  19. (Y or N) Does the Bible say that Jesus is the Almighty?
  20. (Y or N) Is the Holy Spirit the first Person in the Trinity?
  21. (Y or N) Is the proper order in the Trinity: God, Holy Spirit, Jesus?
  22. (Y or N) Did John see Three Person sitting on the Throne in Heaven?
  23. (Y or N) Did Jesus say He was the First and the Last?
  24. (Y or N) Did Jesus tell Satan that God alone should be worshipped?
  25. (Y or N) Does the Devil believe in more than One God?
  26. (Y or N) Does the Bible say that God who is the Word, was made Flesh?
  27. (Y or N) God became flesh so He should taste death for every man.
  28. (Y or N) Was Jesus God in form of man?
  29. (Y or N) Can Jesus be on earth and in Heaven at the same time?
  30. (Y or N) Does the Bible say there is but one Lord?
  31. (Y or N) Does the Bible say that Christ is Lord?
  32. (Y or N) Does the Bible say that the Lord is God?
  33. (Y or N) Is He that ascended the same that descended?
  34. (Y or N) Will God give His Glory to another?
  35. (Y or N) Was there ever a God formed before Jehovah, will there be after?
  36. (Y or N) Has Jehovah the knowledge of the existence of an another God?
  37. (Y or N) Do we know of more than One God?
  38. (Y or N) Do we know of more than One name of the Lord?
  39. (Y or N) Is it good that we think upon the name of the Lord?
  40. (Y or N) Does Scripture say, God alone treads upon the waves of the sea?
  41. (Y or N) Did Jesus walk upon the water (sea)?
  42. (Y or N) Is God the only one that can forgive Sin?
  43. (Y or N) Has Jesus the Power to forgive Sins?
  44. (Y or N) Is Jesus the True God?
  45. (G or HS) Is God or the Holy Spirit the Father of Jesus?
  46. (Y or N) Did Paul (Saul) call Jesus LORD?
  47. (Y or N) Did Stephen call God Jesus?
  48. (Y or N) Did Thomas ever call Jesus God?
  49. (Y or N) Does the Bible say that Jesus is “God with us”?
  50. (Y or N) Did Jesus say “I and the Father are One?”
  51. (Y or N) Can it be Scripturally said that Jesus and the Father are One in the same sense that man and wife are one?
  52. (Y or N) Does the Bible say there is only One Wise God?
  53. (Y or N) Does the Bible say the Holy Spirit is poured out?
  54. (Y or N) Can the Trintarian prove that there were three persons present at the Baptism of Jesus by John?
  55. (Y or N) At the Baptism, One a voice, One a Dove and One was Jesus?
  56. (Y or N) Was God pleased to be in Jesus?
  57. (Y or N) Is there anything God does not know?
  58. (Y or N) Is there one thing that God cannot do?
  59. (Y or N) Does the Bible say that God shed His Blood?
  60. (Y or N) Does the Bible say that Christ really Died?

Bonus Question: (Y or N) Did Christ really rise from the Dead?

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